Thinking Ahead on International Trade (TAIT) 2009
De FUNDACION ICBC | Biblioteca Virtual
El programa TAIT, dirigifo por el Centro para el Comercio y la Integración Económica (CTEI), es un programa de investigación de 4 años orientado al análisis de los desafíos de mediano plazo que enfrenta el sistema comercial internacional en general y la OMC en particular. El objetivo de la conferencia es establecer prioridades para la profundización del estudio sobre los desafíos de mediano plazo. La conferencia se desarrolló en Ginebra durante los días 17 y 18 de septiembre de 2009.
Aquí podrá encontrar los documentos preparatorios de los expositores.
Why not in the WTO? Liberalisation, rules, and forum choice
Background briefing document by Richard Baldwin, Professor, Graduate Institute, Geneva, and Director, Centre for Trade and Economic Integration and Theresa Carpenter, Executive Director, Centre for Trade and Economic Integration.
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New trade issues in energy, natural resources, and food
Background briefing document by Tim Josling, Professor, Food Research Institute at Stanford.
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The WTO and climate change: challenges and options
Background briefing document by Gary Hufbauer, Reginald Jones Senior Fellow and Jisun Kim, Research Assistant, both Peterson Institute for International Economics.
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WTO rules for coping with economic crises
Background briefing document by Simon Evenett, Professor of International Trade and Economic Development, and Director of Swiss Institute for International Economics at the University of St. Gallen.
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WTO decision making for the future
Background briefing document by Patrick Low, Director, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO and Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute, Geneva.