Dossie China
De FUNDACION ICBC | Biblioteca Virtual
Revista de Sociología e Política, "Dossie China", UFP, vol.19, supl. 1, Novembre 2011
-"Editorial",Lacerda, Gustavo Biscaia Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
Dossiê China
-Apresentação Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
-Brazil and China in the New World Order, Cunha, André Moreira. Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
-Brazil-China relations: what should we expect? Becard, Danielly Silva Ramos. Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
-The chinese continental economy and its gravitating effect Pautasso, Diego Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
-China in South America and the geopolitical implications of the Pacific Consensus Vadell, Javier Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
-The politics of Chinese space cooperation: strategic context and international scope Cepik, Marco Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
- Relations between China and Latin America: short or long duration?, Ferchen, Matt Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC
- The New China and the International System, Visentini, Paulo G. Fagundes Bajar documento de la biblioteca de FICBC