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Outsourcing and the shift from manufacturing to services

De FUNDACION ICBC | Biblioteca Virtual

Revisión del 16:04 25 sep 2014 de Admin (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con «'''Giuseppe Berlingieri, VOXEU, 25 September 2014''' Advanced nations are shedding manufacturing jobs and gaining service jobs – a trend that has been in place for decad...»)
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Giuseppe Berlingieri, VOXEU, 25 September 2014

Advanced nations are shedding manufacturing jobs and gaining service jobs – a trend that has been in place for decades. Some of the shift, however, is a reclassification effect. Corporate outsourcing of tasks like marketing means workers doing the same task as before now show up as working for a firm in the service sector. Using US data from the past 60 years, this column shows that the evolution of the input-output structure – which is mostly due to professional and business services outsourcing – accounts for 36% of the increase in services and 25% of the fall in manufacturing.

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