Herramientas personales

The rise of "euro-emerging" multinationals

De FUNDACION ICBC | Biblioteca Virtual

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Javier Santiso, VOXEU, 22 de febrero de 2010

FDI fell sharply in 2009, but these figures mask some of the strong trends of the last decade. Until recently a dominant share of FDI simply went from OECD nation to OECD nation. The decade has seen some important new trends of the “multipolar world” type. FDI from emerging countries has been on the rise (an Indian steel company buying a Belgian steel company). But emerging markets have also become more important as destinations of FDI, above all from OECD multinationals. This trend will continue over the next decade and will keep on transforming profoundly OECD corporations that are incorporating more and more emerging markets in their core activities.

Fundación ICBC Argentina, 2013 - Todos los derechos reservados. Términos y condiciones de uso.